"Read Doctrine and Covenants 18:10 and 121:45. Do all you can to build others and make them feel of worth. Every day for two weeks notice the worthwhile qualities and attributes of others. Acknowledge them verbally or in writing. In your journal write what you have learned about the worth of individuals and how your own confidence grows when you build others."People really are children of God. That's the number one thing I learned from doing this. When a person begins to notice all the worthwhile qualities and attributes of another it's hard not to recognize the divine worth of each individual. Just like D&C 18:10, "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God," I feel like I got a glimpse of what God sees in others. I saw their personalities; I could appreciate their characteristics. I don't really know how to describe the wonder and awe I feel when I glimpse the divine nature of each individual. Every person is a son or daughter of God. That's what I saw and it's hard to describe.
I didn't only glimpse what God saw in others, but by that glimpse I saw a little more of what God sees in me. I didn't really expect that, but it happened. As I saw the divine nature in others and saw a bit of why God loves His children so much, I came to have a greater understanding of myself. I came to understand that I, too, am a child of God. I've known that my whole life. However, I came to a greater understanding of who I am. Knowing who I am and knowing that I am loved by God because I am His child, that gives me confidence. As I notice the positive characteristics in others, I am more aware of my own positive qualities. I think that sometimes we are really hard on ourselves, but as we notice the good in others, we notice the good in ourselves.