Saturday, May 7, 2011

Semester Anew

I've just finished the 3rd week of my 4th semester. It's a bit more challenging than previously as I'm taking:
ENG 252: Fund of Research & Presentation
ENG 325: Language Theory–Grammar/Usage
FDMAT 108: Math for the Real World
ENG 350: Themes in Literature – Romanticism
FDREL 211: New Testament
FAML 200: Preparation for Marriage
Each of these classes are for either my Major (English-Creative Writing), Minor (Marriage and Family Studies), or Foundation requirements. But I throughly enjoy it.

My new roommates are awesome people. One of them is on a tour in Europe at the moment. The other two are huge soccer players, but I really love their company.

My brother is up here this semester. It's been pretty great having him around. We made a meal together pretty often, and we invite our friends and cousins over to eat with us. It's been a party. He also helps me out with my math homework. He helped me so much that I ended up with a 92% on my first exam.

I've received a new haircut with more layers than I had perviously. I love it. Though I had no idea that my hair was as wavy as it is. I still don't own a good picture of it yet. :P

My ward is awesome. I'm glad I'm still in it. I love it. All the people are amazing. I have great friends in the ward where I can just stop by and we have a little party. It's wonderful. I love them all.

This semester is the Spring Semester. It's the Best Semester. I'm excited for it!

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