Friday, February 26, 2010

Creative NonFiction

Many of you know that I like to write. That I like to write in my journals. However, I think I've recently discovered that Creative Writing is not exactly what I am looking for. I mean its fun to write and imagine and create a picture or a movie with only words. Its rather amazing to me. And it truly is a lot of fun to make up a story on the spot and tell it to your younger siblings and have them comment, adding to the story or making up their own interpretation and telling me that the characters should actually do something else instead of the thing they were doing.

But then I was thinking which genre would I wish to write in? Fantasy? Science Fiction? Historical? Modern? I just had no idea.

I would like to have an element of each in anything I were to write. However, I then begin to write and I come up with no real true interest nor motivation. :D I'm sure that I just have to push forward and of course everyone is going to do something they don't quite like doing in the process of doing something they enjoy.

However, I have discovered something today that makes me quite excited.

I've been kinda wishing that some entries in my journals could just be published, as they are rather hilarious in my own personal opinion, which might be a little bit biased. Well, I had then come to the Conclusion that when I write a fiction book I want to write just as I do in my Journals. It adds something to the "voice".

Well, I've discovered that there is actually a genre called Creative NonFiction. Which is exactly what my Journal Writing is.

Here's a website:

In it it explains what Creative NonFiction is: "The word 'creative' refers simply to the use of literary craft in presenting nonfiction—that is, factually accurate prose about real people and events—in a compelling, vivid manner. To put it another way, creative nonfiction writers do not make things up; they make ideas and information that already exist more interesting and, often, more accessible."

When I eventually have the extra cash to spend I think I'd subscribe to this Literary Journal. But doesn't this sound exciting? This genre includes essays just as Emerson and Thoreau have written. I love their essays! In fact, I was thinking the other day that bloggers nowadays are much like Emerson and Thoreau but on a smaller scale of writing professionally. I think I shall address this another day.

In the meanwhile, this is something I would like to do. Write essays about life, about different topics. I'd write personal essays. Much like I do on here and in my Journals, but perhaps more official and revised and more thought out. I should be using the same process of writing a fiction in writing nonfiction, or even an essay. Such as brainstorming, organizing thoughts, etc. I mean, I'm sure you can tell here that I'm a little scattered brained. But these ideas! They would take much time to write. And there are so much thoughts and ideas and facts I learn in college that it seems almost impossible to effectively write on every topic I wish too.

College. You certainly Learn. More about Self. Others. The World. Abstract Ideas. and the Intangible.

On this day I've learned exactly what genre it is that I would enjoy writing in.

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