Monday, March 15, 2010

Registration: The Craziness of it All

It is my firm belief that the hours between 2 and 5 in the morning are meant for sleep.

Sure you can stay up until 1 am and take an hour to get in your bed, but by 2:01 am you are to be asleep at the latest. Then 5 am should be the absolute earliest in which you wake.

Of course, this is only for the average person. If you have a job that requires you to have different hours then of course you should not live by this way of sleeping. But for the average college student... this is the MINIMUM of sleep we should get.

Last night I went to bed at 3:30 am and not because I was having a social life or any such thing. Nope that's not why at all. It's because of reregistering for classes. Amazingly I was able to get all the classes I wished to have. After several hours because the site was being extraordinarily slow...

But here is my schedule now (you can click on it to see it up close):

I was worried that I wasn't going to be able to have the classes that I wished to have because of overlapping or conflicts and whatever else could go wrong... But goodness, prayer really does work you know. It really does. It even helps you get through a day of classes with little sleep. You learn to go into a deep sleep from the time your head hits the pillow to the time which the alarm goes off and feel well rested.

I'm excited for them. I really am. I didn't really want to have my classes start at 7:45 and 8 am every day... but those were really the only times in which they were offered and I need to take them for my major. But I am excited about the fact that my classes will be done by noon, expect on Tuesdays and Thursdays when they'll end at 11 am.

I'm also quite proud of the fact that I've limited myself to 16 credits rather then 21 or 18... It was a very difficult thing to do, just to let you know. But I'm extraordinarily excited!

It's amazing to me that my semester is almost over. Three more weekends... and that's all. Crazy.

Just have to finish up on this one first. Insane. Time goes by so fast! It seems like I only just got up here! So much has happened. So much has been learned. It's wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good Alex. I think the classes you have selected will keep you plenty busy. Fortunately, you read extraordinarily quickly.

    Love you
