The past 5 nights I've been having some very interesting dreams. Dreams about traveling, making crafts, writing lists, shopping... It's been a busy few nights in my head.
Two of the things I dreamed about were getting recipes and cute magnets for my little whiteboard so I can be "ready" for my next semester in January.
So today I was rather busy.
I began by thinking of ways to make cute magnets with the things I have or have bought throughout the years that I've kept around. Fabric, glass beads, scrapbook paper...
So I had the thought that I'd make myself a flower magnet, and one made of fabric!
On to the wonderful know-it-all machine Google:
"how to make flowers out of jean material"
Found it!!
And I followed the instructions until the part where they talked about using a button, because I just hot glued it to my glass bead and then the magnet.
I also cut out interesting designs from the scraps of the scrapbook paper and glued it to the magnet and then the bead over it.
This is what I've made today:
I've also gone through my cookbooks and begun the steps of finding my favorite recipes and writing them down on cards for my Recipe Card Collection. My plan is to go through and create menus so I can mix and match and figure out what it is that I'd have to have in order to actually make the food. This way I won't starve and I'd be healthier! and Hopefully, even save some money.
If anyone has some favorite recipes that they'd be willing to share with me, please oh please contact me!
It has been a good day!