Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gettin' Ready

The past 5 nights I've been having some very interesting dreams. Dreams about traveling, making crafts, writing lists, shopping... It's been a busy few nights in my head.

Two of the things I dreamed about were getting recipes and cute magnets for my little whiteboard so I can be "ready" for my next semester in January.

So today I was rather busy.

I began by thinking of ways to make cute magnets with the things I have or have bought throughout the years that I've kept around. Fabric, glass beads, scrapbook paper...
So I had the thought that I'd make myself a flower magnet, and one made of fabric!
On to the wonderful know-it-all machine Google:
"how to make flowers out of jean material"
Found it!!
And I followed the instructions until the part where they talked about using a button, because I just hot glued it to my glass bead and then the magnet.
I also cut out interesting designs from the scraps of the scrapbook paper and glued it to the magnet and then the bead over it.
This is what I've made today:

I've also gone through my cookbooks and begun the steps of finding my favorite recipes and writing them down on cards for my Recipe Card Collection. My plan is to go through and create menus so I can mix and match and figure out what it is that I'd have to have in order to actually make the food. This way I won't starve and I'd be healthier! and Hopefully, even save some money.
If anyone has some favorite recipes that they'd be willing to share with me, please oh please contact me!

It has been a good day!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1

It is difficult to wake oneself up at 11 pm when you went to bed at 9 and actually fell asleep.

Last night, my mother, littlest brother, and I went to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. I had been debating if I really wanted to see it and if I really wanted to watch it at midnight. But there were several arguments as to why I should go.

I had no school, work, or activities the following day (today) to discourage attending.
It would be an opportunity to just have a moment with my littlest brother as he's a HUGE fan of Harry Potter. Looking at his blog, you can tell.
It was Harry Potter. It's a phenomena in modern culture. If I had missed it what would I tell people? Especially those who are fanatics. They'd be majorly disappointed. Haha.
My mom was paying. Yay!

The end result? I went with my littlest brother and mother. It was a lot of fun! I love to see people who are the true fans all dressed up and somewhat obsessive over the movie.

However, waking up to leave was one of the most tedious things I've done for awhile. How? Well, I had actually fallen asleep. Amazing. But I was. I was also having some pretty interesting dreams/thoughts. I rather enjoyed it. But of course, when my phone alarm vibrated, I looked at the time, turned it off, rolled over, and immediately went back to sleep. To my tired mind there was no real reason as to why I should wake up. No reason at all. Yes I'd miss the movie. But oh well. Sleep is something I love. I woke up again and looked at the clock because I knew there was a very good reason why I should go and I should wake for it. But it was only 3 minutes later. That is NOT enough time to sleep in pass an alarm, so I slept again.

Eventually, I did get out of bed. My little brother was the cutest to get out of bed. I'm pretty sure that he was half asleep all the way to the movie theater. He woke when the chilly air burst upon his face when we stepped out of the car.

At the theater itself as we waited for the movie to start, people began arguing over Twilight vs. Harry Potter. Even the security peoples. It was an interesting debate to hear from the diehard fans.

It was around 3:30 AM by the time we arrived home from a good movie. An hour and a half later my sister began readying for the day. I didn't wake until 11 AM.

What an adventure it was!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Little Better, a Little Brighter

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."
~Anne Frank

It's amazing to me that Anne Frank only lived a few short years and died at the age of 16 and yet has affected much of the world through her written words that were jotted down only for her audience of "Kitty".
Joan of Arc also became an influential person. She died at the age of 19 years. She helped to reclaim her country, but was captured, put on trial, and executed by being burned at the stake.

I am all of 19 years and almost 6 months. What have I done with my life? Certainly nothing like those girls I've mentioned. I have not suffered as they had. I have not fought in a war. I have not been a source of inspiration for countries, nations, and people.

However, I am still me. I influence those around me daily by what I say and do... or don't. Helping to make one person's day a little brighter is something that makes the world a little better. I know that I could be doing better. I know that I could reach just a little further to help another.

We do not need to become war leaders, presidents, or a symbol of a cause.

What we must do it make each of our "Corners of the World" a little brighter, a little better. If we each focus on the places around us, the light will shine and spread. It may move slowly. It may move backwards. But someday, sometime, it will be everywhere.

I'd like to think that is what I have done in my life. I have made the places where I've been a little better, a little brighter. 

There is always work to be done. I may have just shined one place, but it will need shining again. So we do need each other to make the work easier. But if we do our own part it does become
a little better
a little brighter.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Counting Down

My vacation is coming to an end and I'll be going back to Idaho in January. I'll miss my family. I'll miss my ward. I'll miss the kids I babysit. However, I'm excited to go back to the college life. It went by so fast last time, and I'm sure these next two semesters will be no different. I'll be home again soon enough.

What's exciting is that for the Spring semester my brother will be up at school with me! This will probably be the only semester I'll have with him as he'll be turning 19 next Fall and going on his mission. The Spring semester is the best! It's warm! It's bright and sunny! It'll be a lot of fun! and my brother will be there!!!

But I have Winter to go through first.

Today I registered for my classes. I was able to get most of the ones I wished to have. Young Adult Literature, The Developing World, Family Foundations, Essentials of Human Nutrition, Money Management, and Intro to Web Design/Development. It looks to be a fun semester!

Young Adult Literature fits with my major and is something I have an interest in. I love to read all types of books and young adult literature is always a favorite.

The Developing World will be a foundation course, but looks really quite interesting. I like to learn about other countries and how they work. I don't know how exactly that class will go, but I'm excited for it!

Family Foundations is a religion course based on The Family: A Proclamation to the World. I had a Family course the last semester, but that was for my minor. This will be a different aspect of it.

Essentials of Human Nutrition will obviously be about nutrition. I think this is an important subject matter for me to know as being healthy and being wise in one's intake is something that will be significant for me to work towards living in tip-top shape.

Money Management is a class that will be much appreciated and valued. I, as a poor college student, will hopefully learn the wisdom and knowledge of how to best handle my money throughout my life. It also happens to work for my minor.

My Intro to Web Design/Development class will be for me to know more about, well, Web Designing and such. My brother is into computer programing and it might be helpful for me to know these things in the future.

In anycase, I am rather excited for this next semester. It'll be cold, but it'll be fun!

A few more weeks.