Sunday, February 19, 2012

Alma 10

"I did harden my heart, for I was called many times and I would not hear; therefore I knew concerning these things, yet I would not know" (Alma 10:6).

How many times do we know what we should do, but don't do it or refuse to accept it? How many times are we called to act, yet we don't?

I have a motto I've mentioned before: Have a good thought? Do it!

Sometimes I get so caught up in figuring out why I should or figuring out the benefits of such an action or whatever, that I never actually do it.

Perhaps I have a thought to stop by and visit my old roommate as I walk by her apartment. But I say to myself, oh it's in the middle of the day, she's probably not there. I have lots to do, I don't have time to say hi. And many other excuses. When in truth, it would cause no harm whatsoever to stop by. Because she could be home. She could need a visit. How much time would it really take? a minute? two?

How many times are we called to serve someone else, but we don't hear? We pretend to ignore it? How many times have we walked by someone who dropped all their books and you think they've got it covered, they don't want anyone to notice, so I'll pretend it didn't happen and you walk on by without helping? You know you should help them. How often do you?

Act on the things you know you should be doing. Don't figure to do them later. Figure on doing them now. Immediately. Is there something you should be doing now? Do it. Do not procrastinate. Act now.

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