Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mosiah 27

I have a brother on a mission, as many of you may know because I keep his blog for him. In reading Chapter 27, I was keeping him in mind. As Alma and the sons of Mosiah were counted among those that were unbelievers and persecuted the church and tried to weaken it, but then changed and became some of the greatest missionaries mentioned in the Book of Mormon. I kept my brother in mind and tried to think of how do you become a great missionary? I'm sure I'll be more fully answering that later, especially as we cover each of their missions.

But Alma and the sons of Mosiah, after their change of heart and repentance, became missionaries and shared the gospel, though they were greatly persecuted themselves. Members of the church often are. But especially the missionaries. My brother is in South Carolina and I worry about the opposition he is facing, especially as Mitt Romney is running for election. He faces unique challenges. However, verse 33 reads:
But notwithstanding all this, they did impart much consolation to the church, confirming their faith, and exhorting them with long-suffering and much travail to keep the commandments of God.
This is so true. Members and missionaries that are persecuted for what they share, stand for and live build the testimonies of the members around them. We strengthen each other to continue moving forward through difficulties. To stay firm in the gospel and not give way.

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