Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

It's that time of year again!

I love Thanksgiving. It's the time when families and friends get together and think of all the wonderful things we have in our lives and express our gratitude to our Heavenly Father for them.

It's truly fantastic. and it marks the beginning of the Christmas season where everyone has the Spirit of Christmas in their hearts. I'm rather excited for it all.

This Thanksgiving season there are several things I'm grateful for.

Family. I'm not sure where I'd be in life without my family. They are my best friends and will always be there for me. They help me be the best I can. My siblings are all such examples to me. I know that our's is a relationship that will last forever and I'm so grateful for it.

Friends. They make your day. They are truly wonderful people who will be there if you need them. Can't ask for anything more.

The Gospel. I'd be so lost in this world without it. It gives me the confidence and determination to be the best I can. It gives me a foundation in this world of chaos. I know that everything will be alright in the end if I do the best I can.

My body. I can run. I can jump. I can touch and feel. I can listen to music. I can see the colors of the world around us. I am so blessed to be able to hike mountains and swim in oceans.

America. God bless the USA. I live in a wonderful country. Even though I sometimes may not agree with what happens, I still live in a glorious country. I'm blessed with freedom. I'm blessed with the gift to not live in constant fear. I'm able to live with hopes and dreams. I'm so blessed to be an American.

There are just so many things I am grateful for in life. The food, a warm fire, technology, books, school, photographs, transportation, plants, fridges, ... etc. The list is impossibly long. But I am grateful for everything in my life. I'm grateful for the people in it, the things that make my life easier, and all such things I can't even think of.

Here's a Thanksgiving video made from the year 2009 about some random people in New York expressing what they are grateful for. It's still amazing if you haven't seen it.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone! Hope it's magical for you!

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