Monday, April 23, 2012

Sisters' Shared Lessons

Question to the missionaries: "What are some of the lessons you have learned?"

I've asked this question of a lot of individuals currently serving a mission, and last month I shared an Elder's response. Today, I had lessons learned from sister missionaries.

A sister, who has just recently started serving in Arizona, said:
"Some lessons I've learned...? A lot of 'Christians' aren't very 'Christian'; shoe tan lines are cool; You can get along with anyone if you love them; Home is the closet thing to heaven on Earth; your parents really do know everything; and you can answer any question with a scripture. :) How's that?"
Another sister, who is soon coming home after serving in Michigan, said:

  1. The Worth of a Soul is Great in the sight of God.
  2. The Atonement covers all pain and infirmity.
  3. I can be good at repenting, forgiving, and praying while on this earth.
  4. The scriptures heal a wounded soul. Jacob 2:8.
  5. No matter what, put God first.
  6. Exercise daily, you get fat!
  7. Loving a person is easier for me than a lot of other missionaries I have served with.
  8. Service will keep a person repentant and humble. But it's not convenient.
  9. It is a choice to be positive or negative; Choose the first.
  10. The Gospel is Restored, no doubt about it. So share it!
Often we think of writing missionaries as a way of serving them, and it is! However, we also have to recognize how they bless us in return. Write a missionary. Ask them questions that you really want to know the answers to. When and if they have the time to write back, their words could strengthen your own testimony, especially when taken into action. Please remember all those missionaries serving the Lord in your prayers. They'll appreciate it.

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