Monday, April 2, 2012

April General Conference

The last time we had General Conference, I was in Switzerland. It seems such a long time ago, yet it also feels like I was just there. (These are my notes from each of the sessions last time: session 1, session 2, session 3, session 4). It's time yet again to hear from the prophets, apostles, seers and revelators and other auxiliary leaders in the church. We get to hear what is is God wants us to know and remember and do.

In the Ensign of September 2011, there is a First Presidency message entitled: "General Conference–No Ordinary Blessing." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf listed "three basic concepts that may help us to better receive, remember, and apply the words spoken by the Lord’s servants."

  1. Members of the Church are entitled to personal revelation as they listen to and study the inspired words spoken at general conference.
  2. Don’t discount a message merely because it sounds familiar.
  3. The words spoken at general conference should be a compass that points the way for us during the coming months.
What have I learned in the 182nd Annual General Conference? General Conference is for the whole world, not just the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Children teach you more than even your parents did. Children are loved of the Lord and mothers and fathers have a special responsibility towards them; help them live what they learn. Become active in both the Church and in the Gospel by deepening our understanding of deity, focusing on the ordinances and covenants and by uniting the gospel with the church. The Atonement is central to everything; knowing what my Savior did for me, I feel privileged to sacrifice for him. Trials come to strengthen you, so have faith.

Why should you be jealous when God has been kind? Demeaning someone else does not elevate you. Hold on, work on; Don't dwell on old issues or grievances. Remember God's goodness and forgiveness. Remember the importance of the Sacrament and what a blessing it is. Look to the future with confidence. You can't do wrong by doing right. Latter-day Saints are a force for good. The Holy Ghost inspires and guides us throughout life; living a healthy life, fasting, pray, study scriptures, ponder increases understanding and hearing the Holy Ghost.

We must simply stop judging others. As we allow the Love of God to swell within our hearts, we'll find you stop. We were born with the capacity to grow; Develop your physical and spiritual gifts. Our physical bodies are a gift; Some of the sweetest spirits are housed in the weakest frames. Relief Society's focus is on faith, family and relief; Become more aligned with the purposes of Relief Society and live them. We believe in the living Jesus Christ, the Rock of our Salvation, and in "all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God" (Articles of Faith 1:9). Pause for moments of mediation of Eternal Truths. What is really important? Family, friends and gospel at the center of our lives. How can we reprioritize our lives so that the things we believe to be important are really what's expressed to be important?

The Book of Mormon and Bible work hand in hand to testify of Jesus Christ and bring us to him. There's no happiness without service. People are more educated and prosperous when they have values and family; as we increase this then we are blessed everywhere else. See the vision Christ has for us. Consequences of unrighteous dominon and how to avoid it. Whenever the gospel is shared, it's not just one person; it's a family. That which cometh from above is sacred. Does my life reflect the love and devotion I have for the Savior? Homes filled with love, courtesy and the spirit of God.

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