Friday, April 6, 2012

Why Rexburg Hates My Roommate

For the past 12 or so hours, I've only had one roommate still here. All the others have left because their finals are over. This particular roommate's name is Brianne and I'm posting all of this with her full permission, just so you are aware. She was done with school on Wednesday. She hasn't left yet because she is driving a carload of people back to Washington today. Hopefully. If nothing else goes wrong.

Because yesterday was a gloriously beautiful spring day, she washed her car. Washed it, and then was telling us not to get it dirty. We were even teasing her in saying that a flock of birds were going to fly right over her car before she leaves on her trip, messing it up horridly. She couldn't bare thinking about it.

This morning, I'm sitting on our couch with the blinds open letting in the sunlight that reflected off the snow on the ground, the snow falling from the sky and being blown anywhere but down. My roommate wakes up, passes the living room, then comes back, points and says, "AH!!!!!!" I seriously had a vision that a giant animal was in our apartment going to eat us all by her reaction. So I jumped, but didn't see anything. Turns out she was pointing out the window. It was snowing.

Now let me premise this by saying that my roommate is not generally a morning person. Once she's up she enjoys being up. But the whole waking up process isn't her favorite. At all. It takes awhile for being fully awake to happen.

She pretty much cried at the sight of snow. She had packed her warm clothes. She only had chacos for shoes. Her little sweeper/ice scraper thing to get off the snow and frost from the car, was packed in storage. So of course, she's a bit down about that.

Well, she goes to the restroom and before I know it, I head another "AHH! You've got to be kidding me!" We were out of toilet paper. OUT. We had one more roll, but it was in her storage unit. In which she'd have to wear her non-snow clothes with chacos getting in a car that is covered in snow to go retrieve. So she was telling our friend to bring some over. Eventually, she decided to go to the lounge. But guess what? They're out too.

After she opened the door and a pile of snow fell on her seat and she used her Super Mario game case to scrape off all the snow. In her chocas. With a large amount of snow piling up on the ground outside. Her feet were becoming frostbiten. Eventually, she made it back and was prepared for the restroom.

Since she is planning on leaving today (if nothing else crazy happens) she went to turn in her key and parking pass. Also, to get the mail in which she was expecting a book on CD from her mother so she could survive the 13-14 hour trip.

But the mailbox was frozen. The key was in the lock. The lock was turned. But the mailbox wouldn't open. So we are out there for several freezing minutes and she tries to scrape off the ice that's sealed it shut. I come up with the brillant plan of kicking the ice off. Turns out the key was still in the lock. Then only half of it was. The other half was on the ground, in the slushy snow. Now the mailbox really wouldn't open, no matter how much Brianne tried. She really, really wanted her book on CD so she wouldn't die. She was leaving in about an hour, and the key had broken off in the lock, but still wouldn't open.

She gave me her car keys and told me to get her tool kit out of the trunk of her car while she guarded the mailbox. So I hurried over, opened the trunk, and had no idea where to look because it was packed. Eventually I found it and hurried back. After a few more freezing moments, even with her tools, the mailbox wouldn't open. I'm pretty sure neither of us could become effective bulgars or locksmiths.

We trudged up to the managers office to tell them our predicament. The husband went and got his tools to drill out the lock. After more minutes, our goal was achieved and Brianne had her book on CD.

On her way out the door, she's almost forgotten her shoes, wallet and directions. Plus, she had forgotten she had left her car on the entire time I've been writing this post. She's gone now, and I wish her a safe, uneventful or adventurous drive. Even though she is driving with a literal puppy. I'm going to miss her. She gives my abs a workout in laughter.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Alex. Great special memories... may they never happen again :)
