Thursday, March 17, 2011


Today is St. Patrick's Day. Normally, in my family we use food coloring and make everything green: milk, eggs, waffles, pancakes, etc. It's awesome. When I was really young and in elementary school (before No-Child-Left-Behind) we used to make leprechaun traps. The next day at school all of our traps would be set off and treats left behind for us. I loved it! My school also had tiny little green footprints that would be new all over the school. We loved to follow them around to see where the leprechaun went, but he always ended up inside a vent where we couldn't go. 

I love the holidays. Not necessarily only the legal holidays we would be off of school or work, but the fun ones. Like St. Patrick's Day or Valentine's Day. I think that there is just so much that can ben done for each little holiday, especially with children, and to create a tradition for each holiday that just makes you enjoy the day that much more.

Thus, I decided to look up some holidays that I knew or couldn't remember. While reading them I would come up with ideas for each holiday, and I hope you will too!

Birthstone: Garnet
Flower: Carnation, Snowdrop
Month of: National Thank You; National Eye Care; National Volunteer Blood Donor; National Book; Apple and Apricots; Arichoke and Asparagus; Bath Safety; Birth Defects; Celebration of Life; International Creativity; National Polka; 
Holidays: New Years; Save the Eagles Day; Amelia Earhart Day; Martin Luther King Jr. Day; Benjamin Franklin's Birthday; 100th Day of School; Inauguration Day; Chinese/Lunar New Year; Tu B'Shevat; Australia Day

Birthstone: Amethyst
Flower: Violet
Month of: Black History; American Heart; Chocolate Lover's; National Bird Feeding; Abocado and Banana; Bake for Family Fun; Exotic Vegetables and Star Fruit; National Mend A Broken Heart
Holidays: National Freedom Day; Groundhog Day, Boy Scout Day; Valentine's Day; Presidents' Day; Superbowl Sunday; Mardi Gras/Ash Wednesday; Washington's Birthday

Birthstone: Aquamarine, Bloodstone
Flower: Jonquil
Month of: National Nutrition; National Women's History; Girl Scout Week (10-16th)
Holidays: Read Across American Day/Dr. Suess Birthday; Mardi Gras/Ash Wednesday; St. Patricks; Daylight Savings; First Day of Spring

Birthstone: Diamond
Flower: Sweet Pea, Daisy
Month of: Cancer Control; Alcohol Awareness; Celebrate Diversity; Couple Appreciation; International Guitar; Jazz Appreciation; Keep America Beautiful; Military Child; National Card and Letter Writing; National Garden; National Kite; National Poetry Month
Holidays: All Fool's Day; Passover; Palm Sunday; Good Friday; Easter; Patriots' Day; Arbor Day; Earth Day; Administrative Professionals Day

Birthstone: Emerald
Flower: Lily-of-the-Valley, Hawthrone
Month of: Steelmark; National Physical Fitness and Sports; Asian/Pacific American Heritage; Family Wellness; Creative Beginnings; National BBQ; National Bike; National Military Appreciation; National Photo; National Salad; National Smile; Personal History; Tennis; National Family
Holidays: May Day; National Teacher's Day; Cinco de Mayo; Join Hands Day; Mother's Day; Nurses Day; Armed Forces Day; National Maritime Day; Victoria Day; Patriots' Day; Law Day; Loyalty Day; National Day of Prayer; Peace Officers Memorial Day; National Defense Transportation Day; Shavou'ot; Ascension Day; Police Week (week w/ 15th)

Birthstone: Pearl
Flower: Rose
Month of: National Rose; National Dairy; Audio Book Appreciation; Caribbean-American Heritage; Great Outdoors; National Camping; 
Holidays: Shavou'ot; World Environment Day; Flag Day; Father's Day; First Day of Summer; St. Baptiste Day; Juneteenth; National Go Barefoot Day; Doughnut Day; Drive-In Movie Day; Raggedy Ann and Andy Day; Family History Day; Fudge Day; World Handshake Day; Descendants Day; 

Birthstone: Ruby
Flower: Larkspur, Water Lily
Month of: Air-Conditioning Appreciation; Cell Phone Courtesy; Family Reunion; National Blueberries; National Ice Cream; National Hot Dog; National Wheelchair Beautification; Sandwich Generation; Tour de France
Holidays: Canada Day; Independence Day; Bastille Day; Parents' Day; U.S. Postage Stamp Day; Compliment Your Mirror Day; Chocolate Day; Father-Daughter Take a Walk Together Day; Tell The Truth Day; Teddy Bears' Picnic Day; Embrace Your Geekness Day; National Lollipop Day; Gorgeous Grandma Day; Take Your Houseplan For A Walk Day

Birthstone: Jade, Peridot
Flower: Gladiolus
Month of: National Inventor's; What Will Be Your Legacy Month
Holidays: Islamic Ramadan; Friendship Day; Assumption Day; National Aviation Day; Women's Equality Day; Isamic Eid ul-Fitr; Spiderman Day; Watermelon Day; National Chocolate Chip Day; Girlfriends Day; Respect For Parents Day; Purple Heart Day; Sister's Day; Smithsonian Day; S'mores Day; Best Friends Day; Bad Poetry Day

Birthstone: Sapphire
Flower: Aster
Month of: National Hispanic Heritage; College Savings; Childhood Cancer Awareness; National Honey; National Piano; One-on-One; Women's Friendship
Holidays: Labor Day; Grandparent's Day, Patriot Day; Stepfamily Day; Constitution Day and Week; International Day of Peace; Native American Day; First Day of Autumn; Gold Star Mother's Day; September 11; Day; Mayflower Day; Hobbit Day; Love Note Day

Birthstone: Opal, Tourmaline
Flower: Calendula
Month of: National Disability Employment Awareness; National Breast Cancer; Apple; Down Syndrome Awareness; National Book; National Chili; National Go On A Field Trip; National Popcorn Poppin'; Stamp Collecting
Holidays: Child Health Day; National Children's Day; Leif Erikson Day; Columbus Day; Canada Thanksgiving; Sweetest Day; National Boss Day; Mother-in-Law Day; United Nations Day; Halloween; National Lace Day; World Teacher's Day; Balloons Around the World Day; National Chess Day

Birthstone: Topaz, Citrine
Flower: Chrysanthemum
Month of: Aviation; Good Nutrition; National American Indian Heritage; Banana Pudding Lovers; Family Stories; National Adoption; National Life Writing; National Scholarship
Holidays: All Saints' Day; All Souls' Day; Guy Fawkes Day; Veterans Day; Remembrance Day; Armistice Day; Thanksgiving Day; Islamic New Year; Election Day; Use Your Common Sense Day; Cliché Day; National Girls Day; I Love To Write Day

Birthstone: Turquoise
Flower: Narcissus
Month of: National Tie; Rising Star
Holidays: ADIS Awareness Day; Islamic Ashura; Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day; Human Rights Day; Wright Brothers Day; Pan American Aviation Day; Hanukkah; Forefather's Day; First Day of Winter; Christmas Day; Boxing Day; New Year's Eve; National Cookie Day; National Haiku Poetry Day; Tick Tock Day

These are all some holidays, some random and some well known. There are so many others out there... Wouldn't it be great if we could find some things to do for the ones we choose? Incorporate it so that it's a tradition? A memorable one?

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