Monday, September 26, 2011

Joy in the Journey

♥ Don't always have your happiness depended on the Golden Ticket; enjoy the chocolates of life. ♥

I don't know about you, but I'm thinking that people should choose to be happy more often. There are so many instances where people are in terrible circumstances by our standards, yet they are still a happy people. Now, of course we should be aiming towards good and righteous goals, but we should be enjoying the journey there.

Today I went on a walk around Sattel, Switzerland. Instead of having a certain destination in mind (unless you count going back home. Eventually), I strolled around the area. I walked up to a little Catholic chapel. I visited the graves there. I walked uphill for quite a ways. Then I went all the way down the mountain to the valley and visited a playground. I have to say that I really enjoy Swiss playgrounds. Wish I had them when I was growing up. Actually, they're still fun. There should be more Swiss playgrounds in America.

But I enjoyed the journey. Being a visitor to an area causes you to look at the common little things that I'm sure many who live nearby pass up because it's such an ordinary everyday thing. It's nice to see things that are different in life in an alternative culture and country. However, I believe its important to look around you in your everyday life. Then your life will be that much more exciting.
Life is pretty joyous when you take the time to enjoy it.


  1. two things:
    First of all, none of your pictures have been taken in the rain, has it not rained there yet? what season is it there?

    3rd thing:
    plants flourish like weeds do there
    plant = intended photosynthesis production for designated spot
    weed = stuff that grows where you don't want it to

  2. It rained once on the first Sunday I was here. And it rained a few nights. But elsewise it's been fabulous weather. :) The season? It's becoming fall. Though not a California fall where the temperature is still high, I think it's about 60ºF here. I think. Feels nice. I think I'm still only adjusted to Rexburg temperatures.
