Friday, September 16, 2011

Sattel and Einseideln

These are just a few pictures I've taken while in Switzerland. But the pictures don't really grasp the true magnitude and magnificence of the country.

Here is Sattel, Switzerland:
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 This picture is in Sattle, Switzerland. The Alps are hidden behind the clouds here. Actually it's fog, because for many people (including where I am staying) the clouds frequently reach homes.

This is of some of the cows. I love the cows. I know that it may sound odd, but in Switzerland the cows each have a cowbell. Instead of branding the cows each farmer has his own cowbell so you can tell who the cow belongs to. Also, the country does not need wind chimes. The cowbells actually sound beautiful. It's the music of the grasslands.

 This is a picture of a park right outside the farms. :) It's wonderful.

This is a picture of the Alps that were hidden behind the clouds earlier.

This is Einsiedeln, Switzerland:
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I was in a bookstore in Einsiedeln, Switzerland and I just had to take a picture of some of the books. I just love books.

This is one of the streets. Cobblestone streets and sidewalks. Some areas are paved. Some are not. Still love it.


  1. it surprises me that the hills and farmland or grassland is so green . . . very green
