Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Alma 33

We can pray anywhere and be heard by God (3-11). We can pray at work, at play, at home, in private, in public. No matter where we are, Heavenly Father will hear us. Praying is one way we can begin exercising our faith. Just giving a simple, sincere prayer.

Henry B. Eyring said:
"When God has commanded us to pray, He has used words like 'pray unceasingly' and 'pray always' and 'mighty prayer.' 
"These commands do not require using many words. In fact, the Savior has told us that we need not multiply words when we pray. The diligence in prayer which God requires does not take flowery speech nor long hours of solitude. . . . 
"Our hearts can be drawn out to God only when they are filled with love for Him and trust in His goodness" ("Prayer").
Praying unceasingly, always, and mightily are not just words. It's where our hearts can be drawn out to God only when they are filled with love for Him and trust in His goodness, which is shown and expressed through our lives. Through how we live. We have to show faith, patience, love and diligence through our actions. We have to show humility and trust towards God that he will do what is best for us. Have our will bend to us, or in alignment with his. Pray unceasingly, always and mightily in your hearts, in your actions. Show how much you mean your prayers. Try to fulfill them yourself with Heavenly Father's help. Become his instrument in answering your's and other's prayers.

For example, if you are praying for a person in the ward. Hoping they are ok and will get the help they need. Or the comfort they should be receiving. Or peace. Or happiness. Or a break in a crazy life. Act on that prayer you just offered and try to help them. When you do, Heavenly Father will help you help them and answer your prayers.

J. Devn Cornish spoke in the last General Conference and said:
"We must not imagine that any kind of prayer, no matter how sincere, will be very effective if all we do is say the prayer. We must not only say the prayers; we must also live them" ("The Privilege of Prayer").
Exercise your faith and pray, then do all you can to live that prayer. Heavenly Father always listens and will answer.

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