Monday, February 6, 2012

Mosiah 26

"For behold, in my name are they called; and if they know me they shall come forth, and shall have a place eternally at my right hand."

How do we learn of God?

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said:
First, our relationship with God is most sacred and vital. We are His spirit children. He is our Father. He desires our happiness. As we seek Him, as we learn of His Son, Jesus Christ, as we open our hearts to the influence of the Holy Spirit, our lives become more stable and secure. We experience greater peace, joy, and fulfillment as we give our best to live according to God’s eternal plan and keep His commandments. 
We improve our relationship with our Heavenly Father by learning of Him, by communing with Him, by repenting of our sins, and by actively following Jesus Christ, for “no man cometh unto the Father, but by [Christ].” 10 To strengthen our relationship with God, we need some meaningful time alone with Him. Quietly focusing on daily personal prayer and scripture study, always aiming to be worthy of a current temple recommend—these will be some wise investments of our time and efforts to draw closer to our Heavenly Father. Let us heed the invitation in Psalms: “Be still, and know that I am God.” ("Of Things That Matter Most").

We actually have to converse with God. Think of your friends. They are your friends because you talk with them. You do things with them. You appreciate their crafts and the things they made. You serve them. You love them. Imagine doing that with God. He is our Father in Heaven. He have scriptures made so we may know of Him and follow in his footsteps. We can talk to Him as our Father. We can tell him anything we want to. But a conversation is two sided. You have to listen to Him talk to you too. You obey his will; He knows us better than we know ourselves and gives us guidance to follow. We can appreciate the world he made for us. We can appreciate everything He had done for us. We can attempt to serve him back. We can do our best to give him things he'd like; which just so happens to increase our own gratitude and debt to him because it makes us more joyful. We need to love God.

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