Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cerebrum Detonation


That was my brain.
I forget at how much knowledge can be crammed into your head. Even if it is only for a few days, or even one single class.
I love it.
But sometimes...
I just want to relax and let the knowledge settle in a little bit.

Money Management: "Spending is a vote to producers telling them to produce more and telling another to produce something better."
Web Design & Development: "Whenever you make a decision it cost you." "Programmers vs. Artists, yet they collaborate and make something wonderful."
Essentials of Human Nutrition: "We are not born knowing what to eat. Culture plays a huge role in what foods you choose to eat.""How do you promote healthy eating?" "Stages of Change: Pre-contemplation –> Contemplation –> Preparation –> Action –> Maintenance"
The Developing World: "Learn the power of sincerity" "Everyone is a child of God" "Poverty is relative"
Young Adult Literature: "At the same time that young people are trying to become adults they are also trying to show they are different than their parents." "If you make the class work for your major and your life, you can learn so much more and enjoy it."
Family Foundations: Reading Teaching of the Doctrine of the Family by Sister Julie B. Beck "In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have a theology of the family. It's based on the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement. ... They may be able to recite the facts about the Creation, but do they know that this is a theology of the family? The Creation of the earth was the creation of an earth where a family could live. It was a creation of a man and a woman who were the two essential halves of a family. It was not about a creation of a man and a woman who happened to have a family. It was intentional all along that Adam and Eve form an eternal family. It was part of the plan that these two be sealed and form an eternal family unit. That was the plan of happiness. The Fall provided a way for the family to grow. ... The Atonement allows for the family to be seled together eternally."

Yup. This and more.
It's almost exhausting.
Actually, it is very.
Can't believe a have a full week coming.
Then a whole semester.
And another whole semester.
I'll just take each day as it comes.

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