Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Invade Switzerland: A Plan Lacking Intelligence

There is a subject taught in schools called "History." I've generally enjoyed those subjects. When presented in the right way, it's an oral story that captures the interest of all who listen. When it's not, it's the class most dreaded with passion. They say we must learn from the past. However, most of the history taught in class wasn't something that could be immediately applicable in our daily lives. The phrase "learn from the past" seems to me to be speaking to those in a position to change things. Meaning those with influence, which the majority of high school students really don't hold. So we listen to the stories, and we hear stories. It's not until we gain more wisdom and experiences that we truly understand the significance of said stories. That's when the advice "learn from the past" comes into play. Hopefully, by that point we realize we can do things to prevent or change an outcome.
In the process of taking the subject History, we covered both World Wars as well as the Cold War. During these lessons, we briefly cover that Switzerland was neutral and we move on. I always wondered how Switzerland remained neutral. Now I know.

Article 18 of the Federal Constitution (of Switzerland) states:
Every Swiss male is liable for military service. The soldiers shall receive their first equipment, clothing, and weapon free of charge. The weapon shall remain in the possession of the soldier under the conditions to be drawn up by Federal Legislation.
Switzerland declared itself neutral at the Congress of Vienna in 1815. It's been 200 years since Switzerland's last war. Which was during the French Revolutionary Wars, when France pretty much overtook Switzerland.

How do they stay neutral? They make any plan entitled "Invade Switzerland" a very, very stupid choice.
The Swiss militia is only a defensive army. If attacked or invaded, a fully equipped army could be in the field in 48 hours. All the soliders keep their uniform, guns and ammunition at home. They are not  very many career military people. The military consists of the Swiss men. Men who go to work, who are studying in their professions, or attending the university. They are in average between the age of 20 and 35. For those men who aren't suited for it, they provide other ways of service. As a Swiss male, you are required to have completed 10 three-week training periods in service to the army. Those in the military also have their actual jobs and careers to attend to outside of the military. Thus, they generally complete those hours by the time they are 35 years old and they are released, returning their military equipment. However, for the rest of their lives they are required to pass a shooting precision test each year. So the official number of who is in the Swiss army is actually much much less then the actual number that could be called upon with a moment's notice.
Women can join voluntarily. Once they are signed up they have the same duties and responsibilities as the men, but aren't armed. They can choose their military occupation and have ten choices. They can't resign until they are pregnant.
Also, each town has a bunker. Underground. They are extremely hard to spot. They are seriously very well hidden. So if Switzerland were ever attacked, the military would meet there and those without bunkers in their homes would go there. But all modern buildings (homes, apartments, etc) are required to have a bunker for all the residents. Each family is also required to keep a stock of basic foodstuffs incase of emergency. It's basically food storage. Every family is to have one. In the entire country. Swiss men in and out of the military are required to attend civil protection courses for their towns or cities.
All this alone would discorage any sane person. But there's more.
All of the Swiss infrastructure (roads, bridges, power lines, tunnels, the things that keep the mountains from falling onto the road) are rigged. With explosives. There are a lot of bridges, tunnels, etc in Switzerland because of the Alps. The Swiss would rather blow up their own country rather than let someone else rule it. So if you plan to attack the Swiss, expect to not be taking the short, easy ways. Expect to have to travel through the Alps. In the parts where no one lives because no one can.
This is why Switzerland has been able to be neutral since 1815 through both World Wars surrounded by conquered countries. They realized the consequences of stepping a foot into Swiss land. Because if the Swiss had allowed that it would have be considered aiding. And they were neutral.

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