Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Swiss Bowling

Went bowling today! Amazingly my score was 70 something and then 100ish. Pretty good for me. I'm thinking it's because of the fancy little bumper things. You don't even notice they're there so you aren't totally embarrassed by using them. Every roll.
It was interesting though. Because as my cousin and I walked in I realized a few things.
First. This is the sign. It's geared towards teens. You know, the allowed to drink 16 year old teens. Those ones. Nice place though. Very... classy? I'm not sure of the word to use here. But it was a nice place. If I were not a member and a European, I'd hang out there for sure. Though, I did just hang out there today...
Secondly. The bumper no-gutter things? Well, they are very nice discrete little things. No embarrassment at all for blatantly using them. Every single time.
Third. They bowling pins are on strings. Like puppets. I laugh every time I hit them and they flew everywhere while still being connected to strings. Then to reset them the machine pulls up on the little strings and it looks like there's some guy back their doing a little puppet show with the bowling pins. It's great! I loved it.
I really fail at bowling. But when you fail so often it makes you really happy when the ball just doesn't fall into the gutter. Even if it is because of the bumper, no-gutter things. Because it can jump those. I've seen it happen.
But I can now cross "Go bowling in Switzerland" off my bucket list. If it was on there in the first place. Though, if I had known I could go bowling here it would've been on it.

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