Friday, May 4, 2012

My Brother's Shared Life Lessons

I've asked my brother, an Elder serving in South Carolina, to share the life lessons he's learned on his mission so far. I've already posted a few responses from other Elders and Sisters serving missions previously, but I'll be continuing to do this every time I receive a response from those currently serving or those who have returned. But this is what my brother shared with me:
I have a testimony that the best things in life comes as a result of enduring the hardest things. 
If you seek for temporal happiness, you'll find it, but down the road you'll come to realize you could have had something better. Seek for the relations that lead to eternal happiness through trials and tribulations and patience. 
When you're having a hard time appreciating somebody, pray to God and ask him to show you why He loves that person so you can love them in the same way. 
A full understanding of the Gospel includes wisdom and knowledge of all things, both spiritual, such as the Nature of God, and physical, such as sciences. Prioritize God's commandments above all else, he will guide thee to come to a knowledge of all things. 
We need more Faith. President Holm, my brother's mission president, said, "Most people expect to fail but hope to surprise themselves and win." We need to have that faith or expectation to achieve what we set our minds up to accomplish.
I hope that we can each incorporate them into our own lives and become better as a result. Don't forget to write your friends and acquaintances on missions. They'd love it, and you can take is as an opportunity to grow and to become better friends.

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