Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ether 3

"Behold, O Lord, thou canst do this. We know that thou art able to show forth great power, which looks small unto the understanding of men" (5).

The Lord can do anything. Why don't we lay more trust in him? He can do anything. How awesome is that? We can rely on him. He will bless our lives in unimaginable ways. I can't even count how many times he has blessed me in the past few months, let alone my whole life.

His great power looks small unto the understanding of men. Some of the blessings I have been blessed with are small and simple things. Things that others may just consider luck or happenstance or not a miracle. To me, they are. To me, those blessings were huge in my life. As long as I recognized it as well. Sometimes it's hard to recognize all the blessing I've received. I know I've missed lots that I've been blessed with. But I've begun to notice more and more of the blessings as I took the time to look for them. Sometimes it amazes me at how great God is. He can bless us through something so small to our understanding that we may miss it. He's awesome.

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