Sunday, May 20, 2012

3 Nephi 22

In today's world, life is rather frightening. There's disasters all over the world both of natural causes and human choices. How do we raise children in this day and age? Well, yesterday I mentioned the post I made about "Raising our Children in Zion", but when I read this chapter I learned something else:
"And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children" (13).

We can work at building Zion for our children. We can work at building Zion for all future children. But we can do that and also teach the children about Jesus Christ. It does bring comfort to me. I've never really been worried too much about life and the things I face because I've been taught well by my parents, by my extended family, by family friends, by church leaders, by the scriptures. I've been taught of the Savior. I've been taught his gospel which was made made possible through Him. When I think of these things, I am at peace. It brings such a peace throughout my life.

Friends have wondered why we Mormons, we members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, always smile. It's because we have an added measure of peace in our lives. When things get bad, we know of Heavenly Father's plan. It's sad, we mourn. But we still have that added measure of peace.

Patricia P. Pinegar said:
“The world is not a safe place. It is not a place where children will feel peace, hope, and direction unless they are taught to love and follow the Savior. Please help them know that these great blessings can be theirs, and show them what they need to do to receive these blessings” ("Peace, Hope, and Direction").
 Teach your children the gospel of Jesus Christ. Gain a testimony yourself. It will bring happiness and comfort and joy and a smile.

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