Friday, December 23, 2011

Moved, without Moving

Have you ever moved before? In the years growing up? or after high school? or during college? or after? I think that pretty much covers everything. I know that I've moved a total of 5 times. Once when I was 8 years old. Then 6 months after I graduated high school I moved off to college with most of my things. After 7 months of my freshman year, I moved home. Then the next January I moved back to school. Then I moved back. and soon I'll be moving to school again. Though in all honesty the biggest move was when I was 8. Even as an 8 year old I recognized it as perfectly hectic and crazy.

However, I've recently discovered what it must feel like to move without actually moving anywhere. It was just as insane.

My parents had decided that they'd like to remodel the living spaces of the main floor. Meaning that they've decided to replace the fireplace and all the flooring. Of course, once that was decided upon we might as well repaint everything since we don't have to worry about said floors because we were replacing them. Naturally, that meant we were to do all the walls. The walls that are two stories high and those that aren't. Also, when you think about replacing floors in the living room, kitchen, dinning room and family room it means that you have to move everything off said floors. This means tables, couches, piano, books, bookshelves, etc. You have no idea how much furniture you have until you need to move it. Let's just say our vehicles were out in the driveway for awhile. Goodness though. It felt as if we were moving. But not. Because we were still living in the same house as everything was being done.

Now it's all done. Except for the few touch up painting and deep cleaning chores that you always do when you move. It's been pretty intense.

Looking at the results though, well, let's just say that the inside of the house looks entirely different. Except for the structure of the house itself and the original furniture, even if it is rearranged. It's been fun.

But as a result, I haven't been on here for awhile. I'm going to have to go back and update everything. Especially the daily information on a chapter from the Book of Mormon. I've gotta say that the chapters quoting Isaiah are extremely difficult to make it through. But I'll get through them. I am sorry about that. I'll try to make up for it.

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!

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